Category:Marine Sediment Working Group
In the Linked Earth context, a working group (WG) is a self-organized coalition of knowledgeable experts, whose activities are governed herewith. This page is dedicated to the discussion of data and metadata standards for marine sedimentary archives (see this page for a definition of Marine Sediment Archive), and aims to formulate a set of recommendations for such a standard.
Members of 'Marine Sediment Working Group'
This working group has 16 members.
Specific tasks
We recommend that discussions focus on the following techniques, and explore potential commonalities.
For each chronology type, we recommend:
- structuring discussions around what scientific questions one would want to ask of the data
- listing essential, recommended, and optional information for:
- the measurements themselves
- any inference made from the measurements (e.g. calibration to temperature)
- the underlying uncertainties, and what those numbers correspond to (e.g. 1-sigma or 2-sigma?)
- provide an ideal data table for each type of observation, so the community knows what to report and how to report it.
- provide separate recommendations for new and legacy datasets, and for how to label measured and inferred variable (e.g. Mg/Ca is measured, temperature is inferred)
Marine sediments are a very ubiquitous archive on which many types of observations are made, and involving thousands of people around the world. It seems wise for this community to rally around sub-groups start dedicated to data standards about the following sensors:
Stable isotopes
Trace Metals
Here are three example polls that the group might want to consider:
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Pages in category "Marine Sediment Working Group"
This category contains only the following page.