Quick Guide to Editing Wiki Pages

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( Pages with a poll )

Once you are registered, you can start editing existing pages, creating new ones, and move/delete obsolete pages. The pages you are allowed to edit depends on your editorial level.

This guide provides basic instructions on how to use the MediaWiki format. If you require more help, use this Help or contact us.

The quickest way to figure out how to do something is to find and example of what you want to do from another page, or on Wikipedia, and copy the source code from there.

Editing existing wiki pages

Once logged in to your account, you can edit most of the wiki pages by clicking on "edit" at the top of the page (figure 1).

Figure 1: Location of the "Edit" Tab

To edit text, you can get started right away. Once you click that "edit" button, just find the section you want to edit and type normally to add useful information or expand on a topic. If you want to add a new section, format something, or add a poll or an image, use the remainder of this page as a reference. You don't need to know everything right away--Just jump in. You can always refer back to this page later on.

Quick Markup Guide

What it looks like What you type

Italic Text

''Italic Text'' 

Bold Text

'''Bold Text'''

Bold and italic

'''''Bold Text'''''

strike text

<strike> strike text </strike>

Section Headings and Lists

Description What it looks like What you type


  • Skip Level 1, it is page name level.
  • An article with 4 or more headings automatically creates a Table of Contents.

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5
Level 6
==Level 2==
=== Level 3===
====Level 4 ====
===== Level 5 =====
====== Level 6 ======

Bullet List

  • Level 1
    • Level 2
      • Level 3
* Level 1
** Level 2
*** Level 3
Numbered List
  1. Level 1
    1. Level 2
      1. Level 3
# Level 1
## Level 2
### Level 3

Comments are visible only in the edit zone

<!-- This is a comment -->
Comments are visible only in the edit zone


Internal Links

Description What it looks like What you type

Internal Link

Main Page

[[Main Page]] 
Piped Link

Use different text for the link

Go to the Main Page

[[Main Page|Go to the Main Page]]
Word-ending links, following so called "link trail rules"

Radioisotopes in Corals

[[Radioisotopes in Corals]] 
Internal Link to the current page's talk page


Internal link to an image or a file of other types media:PSM.jpg
Internal link to the user's user page Special:MyPage
Internal link to a category page Category:Working_Group
Internal link to a property page Property:HasUnits_(L)

External Link

Description What it looks like What you type
External link https://www.wikipedia.org
External link with different label Wikipedia
  [https://www.wikipedia.org Wikipedia]
Numbered external link [1]
Mailto link email us
 [mailto:linkedearth@gmail.com email us] 


To insert an image into an article (For a LiPD file, use this page), click on the "Upload file" button in the lefthand menu (Figure 2).

Figure 2: uploading an image or document to the Linked Earth wiki.

First select the document you want to upload, then just hit the "Upload file" button at the bottom of the page.

Be Specific in the name file: If you wish to upload a picture of your archive, do NOT name the file 'MyArchive.jpg'. Read the Best Practices guide to learn how to properly name your file.

This file can then be referenced using an internal link described above.

Tables and Equations

Tables and equations are more complicated. For a more thorough explanation, see Wikipedia's pages on formulas and tables.


The following code

{| class="wikitable"
|+Table 1.
! Header text 1 || Header text 2 || Header text 3
| Example 1 || Example 2 || Example 3
| Example A || Example B || Example C
| Example ! || Example @ || Example # 

results in:

Table 1.
Header text 1 Header text 2 Header text 3
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Example A Example B Example C
Example ! Example @ Example #


Equations use the LaTex markup language and are bounded by <math> and </math> tags. For instance, <math> \delta^{18}O_{SMOW} = 1.03091 (\delta^{18}O_{PDB}) +30.91 </math> results in:

 \delta^{18}O_{SMOW} = 1.03091 (\delta^{18}O_{PDB}) +30.91


All references consist of a citation and an actual reference. The citation is a tag that contains a shorthand form of the reference, and is followed, on first use in an article, by the completed reference.

The LinkedEarth wiki uses APA style for citation

To create a reference:

  • First citation in the article:
Khider et al. <ref name = Khider_2014> Khider, D., Jackson, C. S., & Stott, L. D. (2014). Assessing millennial-scale variability during the Holocene: A perspective from the western tropical Pacific. Paleoceanography, 29(3), 143-159. doi:10.1002/2013pa002534 </ref>

becomes Khider et al. [1]

  • Subsequent citations
 Khider et al.<ref name = Khider_2014 />

will automatically create a footnote marker that will link to the original reference: Khider et al. [1]

Earth Science specific items

Nuclides are readily expressed using the SimpleNuclide2 extension. See NuclideExamples.

Adding a poll

The LinkedEarth wiki has polling capabilities. To create a poll use the following code:


For instance,

Are you a LinkedEarth member?


Are you a LinkedEarth member?
You are not entitled to vote.
You are not entitled to view results of this poll.
There was one vote since the poll was created on 22:07, 23 September 2016.
poll-id 474C627E9B15778DB48641DEF721D3C1

Use different questions/answer for polls on the wiki. Otherwise, the system would automatically vote for all of the polls containing the same question. So be very specific if you need to be!
However, if you think a poll can apply to multiple pages, you can copy and paste the same poll on multiple pages. For instance, if you create a poll on a common nomenclature for expressing d18O on the Speleothem working group, the same poll can be posted on the Marine Sediment, MARPA, Ice Core working group pages. 

Editing an existing poll

 Editing an exiting poll will reset the votes. If you need to edit a poll, make sure you keep the results of the previous poll. 

For instance,

Are you a recent LinkedEarth member?
This poll was edited by ~~~~ and had 2 No and 1 Yes answer before editing. 

returns this on the wiki:

Are you a recent LinkedEarth member?
You are not entitled to vote.
You are not entitled to view results of this poll.
There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 20:52, 18 October 2016.
poll-id DDA943190EA4DE67DE6D049904B6D0CD

This poll was edited by Deborah Khider (talk) 13:53, 18 October 2016 (PDT) and had 2 No and 1 Yes answer before editing.

Signing your name

If you wish to sign your name on a page when making an edit, such as in the example above, use:
Deborah Khider (talk) 13:55, 18 October 2016 (PDT)

Creating a new wiki page

To create a new page, type the link into your browser: http://wiki.linked.earth/New_Page and replace "New Page" above by the name that you want for the page.

Then, either select a category for this page (Figure 2):

Figure 2: Selecting a category for a new page

or, just click on the "Create" link to create a page without any category (Figure 3)

Figure 3: create page button, located on the bottom right of the page

Alternatively, you can search for the page you are looking for (remember that the wiki is case sensitive). If the page does not exist, you will be prompted to create it. You should always try to look for the term you want to define before creating a new page to avoid duplicate pages of similar concepts.

Deleting an existing wiki page

Go to the page you want to delete and select "Delete" from the drop down menu as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Wiki page option menu

Click on the "Delete" link, and delete the page. You will be prompted to give a reason for the deletion.

Figure 5: Deleting menu

Renaming wiki pages

Wiki pages may need to be renamed because of typos in the page name or community agreement to rename a term in the LinkedEarth ontology. In order to rename an existing page without losing any of its contents, you should click on the "Move" button under the "More" menu on the top of the page (Figure 6)

Figure 6: Moving an existing wiki page

You will be prompted to enter the new name for the page and a reason for the change.

Figure 7: Moving a wiki page form.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Khider, D., Jackson, C. S., & Stott, L. D. (2014). Assessing millennial-scale variability during the Holocene: A perspective from the western tropical Pacific. Paleoceanography, 29(3), 143-159. doi:10.1002/2013pa002534