Category:MARPA Working Group
In the Linked Earth context, a working group (WG) is a self-organized coalition of knowledgeable experts, whose activities are governed herewith. This page is dedicated to the discussion of data and metadata standards for MARPA (marine annually-resolved proxy archives, including corals, mollusks, and sclerosponges), and aims to formulate a set of recommendations for such a standard. Note that chronological aspects should be discussed within the Chronologies WG.
Members of 'MARPA Working Group'
This working group has 7 members.
Specific tasks
We recommend that discussions focus on the following techniques, and explore potential commonalities.
For each chronology type, we recommend:
- structuring discussions around what scientific questions one would want to ask of the data
- listing essential, recommended, and desired information for:
- the measurements themselves
- any inference made from the measurements (e.g. calibration to temperature)
- the underlying uncertainties, and what those numbers correspond to (e.g. 1-sigma or 2-sigma?)
- provide an ideal data table for each type of observation, so the community knows what to report and how to report it.
- provide separate recommendations for new and legacy datasets
observations to describe:
- stable isotopes
- trace elements
- radiocarbon
Coralline Algae
MARPA Standards : Template 1st draft
Below is a summarizing the metadata from the File:MARPA Template.xlsx. See the Discussion to comment on the template, fill out the table below, and vote on the polls.
See this page for the definition of essential, recommended, and desired metadata for the standards developed by LinkedEarth.
Physical Sample metadata - SESAR
Note: Although the new release of the LinkedEarth ontology will include a PhysicalSample category, there are no formal ways to describe the samples beyond their name, the possibility to enter an IGSN number or a lab ID number, a Collection Method, and where the sample is currently located.
Metadata | Essential (E), Recommended (R), Desired (D) | Comments |
Sample Name | ||
IGSN | ||
Parent IGSN | ||
Material | According to SESAR metatada, categorizes the material that composes to the sample (e.g., water, granite, tissue). Proposed classification: Biology | |
Field Name | In the LinkedEarth Ontology, this would be the SensorSpecies and SensorGenus | |
Classification | e.g., Marobiology>coral | |
Sample description | e.g., Scleractinian corals, core 236cm - 6 sections | |
Age (min/max) and associated units | In the LinkedEarth framework, the minimum/maximum age is automatically calculated from the chronology information when a file is transformed into LiPD | |
Geological age | ||
CollectionMethod | ||
Size and associated units | ||
Latitude | ||
Longitude | ||
Elevation start | ||
Navigation Type | ||
Location description | e.g., lagoon | |
Locality | e.g., Vanua Balavu | |
Locality description | e.g, North of Susui village on east side of exposed reef | |
Country | e.g., Fiji | |
State/Province | ||
County | ||
City/Township | ||
Field program/Cruise | e.g., Evohe 2004 Expedition | |
Collector/Chief Scientist | e.g, Braddock K. Linsley | |
Collection date | 4/11/04 | |
Collection date precision | day | |
Current archive | Where the physical sample is currently curated. e.g., LDEO Core Repository | |
Current archive contact | e.g., Braddock K. Linsley |
Publication data
The proposed scheme is similar to the one proposed by LinkedEarth. See this page for more information
Timeseries Data
Metadata | Essential (E)/Recommended (R)/Desired (D) | Comments |
Raw data | Raw measurements reported against depth in the archive | |
Monthly interpolated data | measured variables (e.g., D18O, D13C, Sr/Ca) and/or inferred variables (e.g., Sea Surface Temperature) reported against the monthly age model |
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Measurement Metadata
Instrument Section
In the LinkedEarth ontology, this refers to the Instrument.
Metadata | Essential (E)/ Recommended (R)/ Desired (D) | Comments |
Instrument Type | We created an ontology for the various types of instruments. It's set as the category for the page. | |
Instrument Name | e.g., Micromass Optima gas-source-triple-collector | |
Method | Name of the method or paper published about it. In the LinkedEarth framework, the method is described at the variable rather than the instrument level. This allows for multiple methods used on the same instrument since the method is related to the measurements rather than the tools. | |
Notes | Additional information | |
Institution | Name of the Laboratory that ran the samples. In LinkedEarth, this is achieved through the property housedAt which links to a traditional wiki page. Information about the laboratory can be entered on this new page for general information | |
Creator | In LinkedEarth, the contributors of the datasets are acknowledged of the datasets and should include the authors on the publication as well as anyone who has contributed to producing the data (e.g. lab managers and technicians not included in the publication). | |
contact info | contact email for the person in charge of the data. Contact information on the LinkedEarth database are set on the user profiles. Each user can choose which information to share with other LinkedEarth member. Visitors to the site (i.e., person not logged in) do not have access to profiles' information. |
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Discussion in the Uncertainty working group
MARPA recommends to archive the methodology used to develop chronological information. Further discussion should be done in the chronology working group page.
Climate Interpretation
For more information about climate interpretation in LinkedEarth (and LiPD), see this page.
Metadata | Essential(E)/Recommended(R)/Desired(D) | Comments |
name | R | |
detail | R | |
basis | D | A reference that serves as the basis for interpretation |
Sign of the relation | R |
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This category currently contains no pages or media.