Difference between revisions of "SAm 039.Cl"

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( MeasuredVariable (L) )
(WTLiPD: New page SAm_039.Cl with Category: MeasuredVariable_(L))
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ArchiveType=glacier ice|
Description (L)=Cl - concentration (ppb)|
FoundInTable (L)=SAm-QuelccayaIceCap.Thompson.2013.paleo1measurement1|
HasColumnNumber (L)=6|
HasMaxValue (L)=184.6233|
HasMeanValue (L)=14.426946634778|
HasMedianValue (L)=12.185|
HasMinValue (L)=3.24|
HasProxySystem (L)=ProxySystem.GlacierIce.DefaultSensor|
HasResolution (L)=SAm_039.Cl.Resolution|
HasUnits (L)=ppb|
HasVariableID (L)=SAm_039|
MeasuredOn (L)=Quelccaya2013SDann|
Name (L)=Cl|
Notes (L)=; paleoData_variableName changed - was originally cl_ppb|
ProxyObservationType (L)=Cl|

Latest revision as of 11:28, 8 May 2017