Difference between revisions of "Main Page"

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(Current State of the Database)
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<span style="font-size:40px;" >Welcome to the LinkedEarth Wiki!</span>
Current climate change must be understood within the context of past climate variations, which are inferred from indirect measurements known as paleoclimate observations. A grand challenge for paleoclimatology is that these observations come in very disparate formats, so there is no standard way to exchange these records between researchers, or with machines. This hinders their re-use and hence lowers their value to science and society. Traditionally, these observations have been archived in data warehouses where the experts that make them have very little control over them. The [http://earthcube.org Earthcube]-supported LinkedEarth project aims to change this by creating an online platform that will do two things: (1) enable the curation of a publicly-accessible database by paleoclimate experts and (2)  foster the development of standards, so paleoclimate data are easier to analyze, share, and re-use.
LinkedEarth will lower barriers to participation in the geosciences, enabling more "dark data" to join the public domain using community-sanctioned protocols. Facilitating access to geolocated data will open the door to integration with other disciplines (e.g. climate modeling, paleoecology, paleobiology, archeology), and to new educational tools, allowing educators to weave historical narratives around events documented in the paleoclimate record.   
<span style="font-size:200%; line-height: 1.3em;">  The [https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1541029&HistoricalAwards=false grant] that funded the project has now ended, and this wiki is no longer maintained. If you need access to the most recent version of the LiPD files hosted herein, please go to the [https://lipdverse.org LiPDverse] instead. If you have any questions, please reach out on our [https://discourse.linked.earth Discourse] forum.   
==Our Vision==
'''Structured Properties:''' The user can create site name, archive, domains, genus, interpretation, and measurement information. There is a link to download the dataset itself.
'''Crowd Curation:''' The interface is designed for organic collection of metadata properties while encouraging reuse and normalization of properties. When a user adds a new row, they can choose a new name for the property they want to specify. The systems uses a command line completion search (similar to Google's search completion) to show properties defined by other users that match what the user is typing. This capability gives users freedom to define their own metadata terms, while encouraging normalization and convergence.
<div style = "text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:36px;" >Welcome to the LinkedEarth Wiki!</span></div>
'''Adoption:''' The metadata properties need not be predefined in advance, instead each user will be able to add new ones or mat adopt existing properties. The system automatically searches for existing entities in the Web of Data that match what the use is specifying and suggests linking to them. This capability allows separate communities to govern their own wikis, while having interlinked information about scientifically related entities.
<span style="font-size:120%; line-height: 1.3em;">The LinkedEarth wiki is an [https://earthcube.org EarthCube]-funded platform that:
#enabled the curation of publicly-accessible database by paleoclimate experts, and  
#fostered the development of standards, to make paleoclimate data easier to analyze, share, and re-use. </span>
'''Credit:''' The system automatically tracks the contributions of each user, and points to their pages. This gives users visibility, status, and reputation. Data producers are given credit via DOIs.
'''Query:''' Special wiki pages can be created whose content is dynamically generated through queries.
'''Data Citation:''' Each dataset described in the site is given a unique identifier that will enable citation.
==Getting started with LinkedEarth==
'''Open Publication:''' All the metadata can be exported as RDF triples and made publicly available on the web.
<gallery mode = "packed-overlay" widths=150px heights=100px>
File:JoinUsIcon MainPage.png | [http://linked.earth/aboutus/membership/ Join LinkedEarth]
File:GettingStartedIcon MainPage.png | [[Get_Started_with_the_LinkedEarth_wiki | StartUp Guide]]
File:Browse The Wiki.png | [[Special:random | Browse existing pages]]
File:BrowseIcon.png| [[MD982181.Khider.2014 | Browse a  curated dataset]]
File:BrowseIcon.png | [[MD982176.Stott.2004 | Browse a curated dataset with Models]]
Several tutorials are also available on our [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7yzNTM__4g5H-xyWV5KbA YouTube channel]!
The LinkedEarth Wiki leverages [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_wiki semantic wiki] technology to crowdsource the curation and standards development of paleoclimate data. Like traditional wikis, they enable the collaborative authoring of content. Secure access and time-stamped content also enable the tracking of changes and the accountability of users, as well as moderation capabilities by community members of recognized expertise. In contract to traditional wikis, semantic wikis allow contributors to assign meaning to their content, specifying relationships between the objects they describe. This enables artificial intelligence reasoners to parse, process, and translate these data into more useful forms. The LinkedEarth wiki then automatically translates this information into [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_data#Linked_open_data Linked Open Data], a universal format to share data across the web.
For more information about LinkedEarth visit our [http://linked.earth website], where you will also find tutorials on how to get started with the LinkedEarth Wiki. Don't forget to follow our [http://linked.earth/?page_id=188 blog] and subscribe to our [http://linked.earth/?page_id=915 newsletter]!
==Community Activities==
You can also find us on [https://www.facebook.com/LinkedEarth-1018909201501056/?fref=ts Facebook]  and [https://twitter.com/Linked_Earth Twitter]!
Join a [[:Category:Working Group | working group]] (WG) and participate in the discussion about [[Paleoclimate_Data_Standards | paleoclimate data standards]].
'''New''': Each working group has polls waiting for community input. ''You must be logged in to vote.''
In the Linked Earth context, a WG is a self-organized coalition of knowledgeable experts who elaborate and discuss the components of a [[Paleoclimate_Data_Standards | data standard]] for their topic(s) of interest.  WGs may be created by any member of the LinkedEarth community. Currently, the LinkedEarth community is organized around {{PAGESINCATEGORY:Working Group}} working groups.
'''To join a WG, do so on your LinkedEarth wiki profile page'''.
<gallery mode = "packed-overlay" widths=150px heights=150px>
File:Open_data_standards_trim.png | [[Paleoclimate Data Standards]]
File:WorkingGroups MainPage Icons.png | [[:Category:Working Group | Join a Working Group]]
File:Ontology_wordcloud.png | [[LinkedEarth Ontology]]
== Contribute Datasets ==
We recommend using the [[Linked Paleo Data | LiPD]] format to get your data on the wiki. The Python [[LiPD Utilities]] allow to create a LiPD from an Excel template, wich can be downloaded [http://wiki.linked.earth/File:LiPDv1.2_template.xlsx here]. For instructions on filling out this template, see the page "[[Creating a LiPD file]]".
<gallery mode = "packed-overlay" widths=100px heights=100px>
File:LiPD Logo.jpg | [[Creating a LiPD file]]
File:ExcelLogo.png | [http://wiki.linked.earth/File:LiPDv1.2_template.xlsx LiPD Template]
File:AnnotateDatasetImage.png | [[Dataset Tutorial | Upload a LiPD dataset]]
== Working with LiPD Datasets ==
The [[LiPD Utilities]] (available in R, Python, and Matlab) allow to read/write LiPD files, extract and collapse timeseries objects, and filter datasets according to your search criteria. Data analysis packages are currently available in R ([[GeoChronR]]) and Python ([[Pyleoclim]]). A large body of [https://github.com/CommonClimate/PAGES2k_phase2 Matlab code exists already] to analyze the [[PAGES2k]] dataset. If you are unfamiliar with using LiPD files, a good place to start is [[Using LiPD files]].
<gallery mode = "packed-overlay" widths=100px heights=100px>
File:LiPD Logo.jpg | [[LiPD Utilities]]
File:RLogo.jpeg | [[GeoChronR]]
File:PythonLogo.jpg | [[Pyleoclim]]
==Current State of the Database==
==Current State of the Database==
{{#ask: [[Category:Location_©]]
The LinkedEarth Wiki currently contains '''{{PAGESINCATEGORY:Dataset (L)}} datasets''', mostly from the [[PAGES2k]] compilation. We are in the process of adding more Holocene records, as well as >100 deep-sea cores from the LR04 benthic stack compilation. Please contact us if you want to lead a '''data drive''' to flesh it out some more.
=== Dataset Location ===
<!--{{#ask: [[Category:Location_(L)]]
  | ?Coordinates
  | ?Coordinates
  | ?CoordinatesFor
  | ?CoordinatesFor
| ?Name_©
  | markercluster=on
  | markercluster=on
  | duplicatemarkers=off
  | duplicatemarkers=off
Line 41: Line 80:
  | minzoom=1
  | minzoom=1
  | limit=500
  | limit=500
| template=LiPDLocation
| format=leaflet
{{#ask: [[Category:Dataset_(L)]]
| ?CollectedFrom_(L).Coordinates
| ?Name_(L)
| ?ArchiveType
| markercluster=on
| showtitle=off
| zoom=1
| searchmarkers=all
| maxzoom=14
| minzoom=1
| limit=1000
| height=510
  | template=LiPDLocation
  | template=LiPDLocation
  | format=leaflet
  | format=leaflet
{{#ask: [[Category:Location_©]]
=== Recently Contributed Datasets ===
| ?CoordinatesFor=LiPD Dataset
| ?Name_©
{{#ask: [[Category:Dataset (L)]]
| ?Coordinates
| ?CollectedFrom (L).CoordinatesFor=LiPD Dataset
| ?ArchiveType
| ?CollectedFrom (L).Coordinates
| mainlabel=-
| mainlabel=-
| limit=500
| limit=10
| format=table
| format=broadtable
| sort=Modification date
| order = descending
=== Search the Database by Archive===
<!-- Feel free to change the pictures for the archives with your own. Just keep in mind that the pictures should be 200x200px to keep the aspect ratio in the table-->
<gallery mode = "packed-overlay" widths=200px heights=200px>
File:Coral_Archive_200px.jpg | [[:Category:Coral | Coral]]
File:Documents_Archive_200px.jpg | [[:Category:Document | Document]]
File:GlacierIce_Archive_200px.jpg | [[:Category:GlacierIce | Glacier Ice]]
File:Lake_Archive_200px.jpg | [[:Category:LakeSediment | Lake Sediment]]
File:MarineSediment_Archive_200px.jpg | [[:Category:MarineSediment | Marine Sediment]]
File:Mollusk_Archive_200px.jpg | [[:Category:MolluskShells | Mollusk Shells]]
File:Peat_Archive_200px.jpg | [[:Category:Peat | Peat]]
File:Sclerosponge_Archive_200px.jpg | [[:Category:Sclerosponge | Sclerosponge]]
File:Speleothem_Archive_200px.jpg | [[:Category:Speleothem | Speleothem]]
File:Wood_Archive_200px.jpg | [[:Category:Wood | Wood]]
== More about LinkedEarth ==
Website: [http://linked.earth LinkedEarth Website]
Programmatic access to the wiki information: [http://wiki.linked.earth/Dataset_discovery http://wiki.linked.earth/Dataset_discovery]
Social Media: [https://www.facebook.com/LinkedEarth-1018909201501056/?fref=ts Facebook] | [https://twitter.com/Linked_Earth Twitter] | [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7yzNTM__4g5H-xyWV5KbA YouTube channel] | [https://github.com/LinkedEarth GitHub]
[[File:ProjectTimeline 021716.jpg|center|900px|alt=ProjectTimeline]]
== Linked Earth Totals ==
''<small><small>Last changed On: 22 Jul 2020</small></small>''<br>Linked Earth contains <span class='plainlinks'>[http://wiki.linked.earth/Category:Compilation_(L) 6 Compilations]</span>, <span class='plainlinks'>[http://wiki.linked.earth/Category:Dataset_(L) 705 Datasets]</span>, <span class='plainlinks'>[http://wiki.linked.earth/Category:Observation_(L) 4094 Observation]</span> and <span class='plainlinks'>[http://wiki.linked.earth/Category:Publication_(L) 928 Publications]</span> from <span class='plainlinks'>[http://wiki.linked.earth/Category:Person_(L) 820 Authors]</span>.<br>The contents of the wiki have been contributed by <span class='plainlinks'>[http://wiki.linked.earth/Special:ListUsers 196 Scientists]</span> from <span class='plainlinks'>[http://wiki.linked.earth/Property:University 24 Institutions]</span>, organized in <span class='plainlinks'>[http://wiki.linked.earth/Category:Working_Group 14 Working Groups]</span>.

Latest revision as of 16:28, 26 August 2024


The grant that funded the project has now ended, and this wiki is no longer maintained. If you need access to the most recent version of the LiPD files hosted herein, please go to the LiPDverse instead. If you have any questions, please reach out on our Discourse forum.

Welcome to the LinkedEarth Wiki!

The LinkedEarth wiki is an EarthCube-funded platform that:

  1. enabled the curation of publicly-accessible database by paleoclimate experts, and
  2. fostered the development of standards, to make paleoclimate data easier to analyze, share, and re-use.

Getting started with LinkedEarth

Several tutorials are also available on our YouTube channel!

Community Activities

Join a working group (WG) and participate in the discussion about paleoclimate data standards.

New: Each working group has polls waiting for community input. You must be logged in to vote.

In the Linked Earth context, a WG is a self-organized coalition of knowledgeable experts who elaborate and discuss the components of a data standard for their topic(s) of interest. WGs may be created by any member of the LinkedEarth community. Currently, the LinkedEarth community is organized around 14 working groups.

To join a WG, do so on your LinkedEarth wiki profile page.

Contribute Datasets

We recommend using the LiPD format to get your data on the wiki. The Python LiPD Utilities allow to create a LiPD from an Excel template, wich can be downloaded here. For instructions on filling out this template, see the page "Creating a LiPD file".

Working with LiPD Datasets

The LiPD Utilities (available in R, Python, and Matlab) allow to read/write LiPD files, extract and collapse timeseries objects, and filter datasets according to your search criteria. Data analysis packages are currently available in R (GeoChronR) and Python (Pyleoclim). A large body of Matlab code exists already to analyze the PAGES2k dataset. If you are unfamiliar with using LiPD files, a good place to start is Using LiPD files.

Current State of the Database

The LinkedEarth Wiki currently contains 706 datasets, mostly from the PAGES2k compilation. We are in the process of adding more Holocene records, as well as >100 deep-sea cores from the LR04 benthic stack compilation. Please contact us if you want to lead a data drive to flesh it out some more.

Dataset Location

Loading map...

Recently Contributed Datasets

LiPD Dataset ArchiveTypeCoordinates 
Crystal.McCabe-Glynn.2013speleothem36° 35' 24", -118° 49' 12"
Asi-GuangdongAndGuangxi.Zhang.1980documents23° 30' 0", 112° 30' 0"
Arc-LakeNataujärvi.Ojala.2005lake sediment61° 48' 36", 24° 40' 48"
MD982181.Khider.2014marine sediment6° 27' 0", 125° 49' 48"
A7.Oppo.2005marine sediment28° 1' 12", 127° 1' 12"
BJ8-03-13GGC.Linsley.2010marine sediment-7° 24' 0", 115° 12' 0"
BJ8-03-70GGC.Linsley.2010marine sediment-3° 34' 12", 119° 22' 48"
GeoB5844-2.Arz.2003marine sediment27° 42' 47", 34° 40' 55"
GeoB7702-3.Castaneda.2010marine sediment31° 39' 6", 34° 4' 0"
GeoB10043-3.Setiawan.2016marine sediment-7° 18' 33", 105° 3' 31"
... further results

Search the Database by Archive

More about LinkedEarth

Website: LinkedEarth Website

Programmatic access to the wiki information: http://wiki.linked.earth/Dataset_discovery

Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube channel | GitHub

Linked Earth Totals

Last changed On: 22 Jul 2020
Linked Earth contains 6 Compilations, 705 Datasets, 4094 Observation and 928 Publications from 820 Authors.
The contents of the wiki have been contributed by 196 Scientists from 24 Institutions, organized in 14 Working Groups.