Main Page
The LinkedEarth wiki is a platform that (1) enables the curation of publicly-accessible database by paleoclimate experts, and (2) fosters the development of standards, so paleoclimate data are easier to analyze, share, and re-use.
To learn more about the other core LinkedEarth activities, visit our website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Tutorials on how to use the wiki are available on our YouTube channel!
[hide]Getting started with LinkedEarth
- Become a member of the LinkedEarth Community.
- Follow our StartUp Guide for a wiki tutorial.
- Browse existing pages
- Contribute data.
- Join a working group
Join a working group
In the Linked Earth context, a working group (WG) is a self-organized coalition of knowledgeable experts who elaborate and discuss the components of a data standard for their topic(s) of interest. WGs may be created by any member of the LinkedEarth community.
Below is a list of currently available WGs. To join a WG, do so on your LinkedEarth wiki profile page.
- Floods Working Group
- Historical Documents Working Group
- Test Working Group
- Cross Archive Metadata
- Uncertainty Working Group
- Ice Cores Working Group
- OC3
- Trees Working Group
- Lake Sediments Working Group
- Speleothem Working Group
- MARPA Working Group
- Chronologies Working Group
- Marine Sediment Working Group
- Wiki Administration
Current State of the Database
The LinkedEarth Wiki currently contains 0 datasets. Before the summer, we will include 692 from the latest PAGES2k compilation, ca 100 Holocene records, as well as >100 deep-sea cores from the benthic stack compilation. Please contact us if you want to lead a data drive to flesh it out some more.