Property: Contributor (L) [1]
Imported from: core:contributor (core | Linked Earth Core)
Answers the question: Who contributed the resource? A contributor may be the same as the authors of the resource or different. For instance, in the case of a legacy dataset, a Linked Earth member may contribute a previously-published dataset that he/she may not have authored
Property Semantics
Pages using the property "Contributor (L)"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
Ocn-AqabaJordanAQ18.Heiss.1999 + | Heiss +, Ocean2k + |
Ocn-AqabaJordanAQ19.Heiss.1999 + | Heiss +, Ocean2k + |
Ocn-Bermuda.DraschbaA.2000 + | Draschba + |
Ocn-Bermuda.DraschbaB.2000 + | Draschba + |
Ocn-BermudaSouthShore.Goodkin.2008 + | Nathalie F. Goodkin +, Ocean2k + |
Ocn-BiscayneBay.Swart.1996 + | Swart +, Ocean2k + |
Ocn-BuccooReefTobagoMontastrea.Moses.2006 + | Christopher S. Moses + |
Ocn-BuccooReefTobagoSidereastrea.Moses.2006 + | Christopher S. Moses + |
Ocn-BunakenIsland.Charles.2003 + | Charles +, Ocean2k + |
Ocn-BundegireefNingaloo.Cooper.2012 + | Cooper + |
Ocn-CH07-98-MC-22.Saenger.2011 + | C. Saenger +, R.E. Came +, D.W. Oppo +, … |
Ocn-CapeGhir.McGregor.2007 + | H.V. McGregor +, M. Dima +, H.W. Fischer +, … |
Ocn-CariacoBasin.Black.2007 + | D.E. Black +, M.A. Abahazi +, R.C. Thunell +, … |
Ocn-CariacoBasin.Lea.2003 + | D.W. Lea +, D.K. Pak +, L.C. Peterson +, … |
Ocn-ClerkeReefRowleyShoals.Cooper.2012 + | Cooper + |
Ocn-Clipperton1b.Wu.2014 + | Wu + |
Ocn-Clipperton2b.Wu.2014 + | Wu + |
Ocn-Clipperton4b.Wu.2014 + | Wu + |
Ocn-Clipperton6a.Wu.2014 + | Wu + |
Ocn-ClippertonAtoll.Linsley.2000 + | Linsley +, Ocean2k + |
Ocn-CoralBayNingaloo.Cooper.2012 + | Cooper + |
Ocn-CoralSea.Calvo.2007 + | Calvo + |
Ocn-DoubleReef.Asami.2005 + | Asami +, Ocean2k + |
Ocn-DryTortugas.DeLong.2014 + | DeLong +, Ocean2k + |
Ocn-DryTortugas.Lund.2006 + | D.C. Lund +, W.B. Curry + |