File list
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Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
23:33, 4 May 2017 | DSDP552.Shackleton.1984.chron1measurement1.csv (file) | 227 bytes | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 3 | |
22:57, 4 May 2017 | LR04stackfig.gif (file) | 12 KB | LR04 benthic stack. Figure credit: L Lisiecki, | 1 | |
22:44, 4 May 2017 | DSDP502.deMenocal.1992.paleo1measurement2.csv (file) | 8 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
22:44, 4 May 2017 | DSDP502.deMenocal.1992.paleo1measurement1.csv (file) | 12 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:33, 4 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.SummaryPlot.SST.png (file) | 134 KB | Summary plot for dataset MD982181.Khider.2014 | 1 | |
21:57, 3 May 2017 | LiPD Logo.jpg (file) | 136 KB | HIgher resolution version of the LiPD logo | 2 | |
21:47, 3 May 2017 | BrowseIcon.png (file) | 52 KB | Main page: Browse a LiPD file icon | 1 | |
21:44, 3 May 2017 | AnnotateDatasetImage.png (file) | 38 KB | Logo for the front page: Upload a dataset | 1 | |
18:43, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.paleo1model2summary.csv (file) | 10 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:43, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.paleo1model2ensemble.csv (file) | 5.44 MB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:43, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.paleo1model1summary.csv (file) | 12 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:43, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.paleo1model1ensemble.csv (file) | 5.43 MB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:43, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.paleo1measurement3.csv (file) | 38 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:43, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.paleo1measurement2.csv (file) | 7 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:43, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.paleo1measurement1.csv (file) | 16 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:43, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.chron1model3summary.csv (file) | 15 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:43, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.chron1model3ensemble.csv (file) | 5.95 MB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:43, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.chron1model2summary.csv (file) | 12 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:43, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.chron1model2ensemble.csv (file) | 4.98 MB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:42, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.chron1model1summary.csv (file) | 13 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:42, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.chron1model1ensemble.csv (file) | 5.43 MB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:42, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.chron1measurement2.csv (file) | 165 bytes | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:42, 3 May 2017 | MD982181.Khider.2014.chron1measurement1.csv (file) | 812 bytes | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
17:55, 3 May 2017 | WikiTutorial DataTablePage.png (file) | 164 KB | Wiki tutorial: completed tutorial page | 1 | |
17:50, 3 May 2017 | WikiTutorial LinkingCSVFileToDataTablePage.png (file) | 174 KB | Wiki tutorial: Entering the name of the csv file | 1 | |
17:33, 3 May 2017 | WikiTutorial AddVariables.png (file) | 210 KB | Wiki tutorial: location of the 'Provide Data Name' link. | 1 | |
17:26, 3 May 2017 | WikiTutorial AddingAnEnsembleTable.png (file) | 129 KB | Wiki tutorial in best practices, adding an ensemble table. | 1 | |
16:45, 3 May 2017 | TwitterPoll PublicationSoftwareChronology.png (file) | 45 KB | Results of the poll placed on Twitter regarding the reporting of the publication reference for the chronology modeling software. On Twitter between April 25th and May 2nd 2017. | 1 | |
16:43, 3 May 2017 | TwitterPoll AgeModeling Software.png (file) | 40 KB | Results of the poll placed on Twitter regarding the reporting of the software used to develop chronologies. On Twitter between April 25th and May 2nd 2017. | 1 | |
16:40, 3 May 2017 | TwitterPoll MARPA StandardMethod.png (file) | 40 KB | Results of the poll placed on Twitter regarding the reporting of standard methods for MARPA archives. On Twitter between April 24th and May 1st 2017. | 1 | |
16:37, 3 May 2017 | TwitterPoll MARPA NewMethod.png (file) | 40 KB | Results of the poll placed on Twitter regarding the reporting of new methodology for MARPA archives. On Twitter between April 24th and May 1st. | 1 | |
16:34, 3 May 2017 | TwitterPoll Speleothem Type.png (file) | 41 KB | Results of the poll placed on Twitter regarding the reporting of the type of speleothem used in the study. On Twitter between April 24th and May1st 2017. | 1 | |
16:32, 3 May 2017 | TwitterPoll Speleothem ThicknessOfOverlyingBedrock.png (file) | 39 KB | Results of the poll placed on Twitter regarding the reporting of bedrock thickness for speleothem archives. On Twitter from April24th to May 1st 2017 | 1 | |
01:51, 2 May 2017 | MD982176 Stott 2004.Paleo1.measurementTable1.csv (file) | 9 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
01:51, 2 May 2017 | MD982176 Stott 2004.Chron1.measurementTable1.csv (file) | 350 bytes | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
01:32, 2 May 2017 | MD98-2170.Stott.2004.Paleo1.measurementTable1.csv (file) | 1 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
01:32, 2 May 2017 | MD98-2170.Stott.2004.Chron1.measurementTable1.csv (file) | 168 bytes | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
18:55, 28 April 2017 | TwitterPolls Speleothem CaveEntrance.png (file) | 47 KB | Results of the poll placed on Twitter from April 21st to 28th 2017 regarding the reporting of the distance between the speleothem sample and the cave entrance. | 1 | |
18:52, 28 April 2017 | TwitterPoll MARPA interpretation.png (file) | 97 KB | Results of the poll placed on Twitter from April 20th to 27th regarding the reporting of the interpretation for MARPA archives. | 1 | |
18:49, 28 April 2017 | TwitterPoll MARPA RawMeasurements.png (file) | 98 KB | Polls placed on Twitter from April 20th to 27th regarding the reporting of raw measurements (e.g., d18O,Sr/Ca...) for MARPA archives. | 1 | |
17:09, 25 April 2017 | NatalieKehrwald IceCoreWG StandardDraft 042417.xlsx (file) | 29 KB | Tables of standards for ice core archives proposed by Natalie Kehrwald | 1 | |
21:23, 24 April 2017 | TwitterPoll MARPA Instrument.png (file) | 44 KB | Results of the poll placed on Twitter between Apil 17th and 24th regarding the reporting of the instrument used to make the measurements on MARPA archives. | 1 | |
21:09, 24 April 2017 | TwitterPoll MarineSediment Interpretation.png (file) | 47 KB | Results of the poll run on Twitter regarding the reporting on interpretation field for meaured variable for paleoclimate datasets based on marine sediments. Run from April 17th to 24th 2017. | 1 | |
21:05, 24 April 2017 | LegacyDatasets PositionOnTheArchive.png (file) | 46 KB | Results of the poll run on Twitter regarding the reporting of position on the archive from legace datasets | 1 | |
19:34, 24 April 2017 | MetadataDefinitions.png (file) | 50 KB | Definition of desired, recommended, and essential metadata in the context of paleo standards. | 1 | |
19:32, 24 April 2017 | TwitterPoll MARPA InterpolatedChronologies.png (file) | 40 KB | Results of the poll ran on Twitter from April 14th to the 21st regarding the reporting of interpolated chronologies for MARPA archives. | 1 | |
02:44, 22 April 2017 | Ant-CoastalDML.Thamban.2006.Paleo1.measurementTable1.csv (file) | 8 KB | WTLiPD: Initial upload | 1 | |
17:41, 21 April 2017 | TwitterPoll MarineSediment VolumeAnalyzed.png (file) | 43 KB | Results of the poll ran on Twitter regarding the reporting of sediment volume analyzed for marine sediments. Run between April 14th and 21st 2017. | 1 | |
17:54, 20 April 2017 | TwitterPoll MARPA Depth.png (file) | 42 KB | Results of the poll placed on Twitter regarding the reporting of depth in MARPA archives. Poll run on Twitter from April 11th to 18th 2017. | 1 | |
17:48, 20 April 2017 | TwitterPoll MarineSediments calibrationequation.png (file) | 43 KB | Results of the Twitter poll regarding the reporting of the calibration model/equation for marine sedimentary archives. Ran on Twitter from April 11th to 18th 2017 | 1 |
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