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Pages using the property "QCnotes"

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Eur 010.temperature +SST determinations based on the alkenone index UK37 indicate annual upwelling in tensity as the determinant factor for SST variability confirming the Tagus results (Abrantes et al. 2009)  +
Eur 014.MXD +The final reconstruction (N-scan) was calibrated against regional JJA temperature (r 1876_2006 = 0.77) and spans the 138 bc_ ad 2006 period.  +
Eur 016.trsgi +Using AD 1901_1950 as the calibration period the Pearson's correlation coefficient between grid data and reconstruction is 0.34 and for verification is 0.47  +
Eur 017.trsgi +This composite record includes living trees historical timber and subfossil wood and correlates at 0.72 to 0.92 with interannual to multidecadal variations in instrumental June-to-August (JJA) temperature (1864_2003)  +
Eur 018.MXD +Instrumental measurements from high- (low-) elevation grid boxes back to 1818 (1760) reveal strongest growth response to current-year June_September mean temperatures. The reconstruction correlates at 0.7 with high-elevation temperatures back to 1818 with a greater signal in the higher-frequency domain (r 0.8).  +
Eur 019.trsgi +While the highest correlation of 0.53 is gained from the HISTALP southwest subset significantly lower correlation of 0.27 originates from the low-resolution HadCRUT3v data (Brohan et al. 2006) both against June_August temperature means.  +
Eur 020.trsgi +Regional chronologies based on nested PCs display high correlation coefficients in the two calibration periods: both regression-calibrated (r1900_1952 = 0.81 and r1953_2005 = 0.75 on average) and scaling-calibrated (r1900_1952 = 0.73 and r1953_2005 = 0.80 on average). Similarly REs are also high (well above 0) for the two verifications.  +
Eur 022.temperature +For overlapping period (1760-1854) the documentary data series correlate with instrumental temperatures most strongly in winter (86% explained variance in January) and least in autumn (56% in September). For annual average temperatures 81% of the variance is explained. Elevation estimated from GoogleEarth; rounded to 100 m  +
Eur 023.sampleID +Excluded related to sample information and error estimates  +
Eur 025.uncertainty temperature +Excluded related to sample information and error estimates  +
Eur 026.temperature +In order to extend the Tallinn temperature series backward in time three different climate proxies were used. These were: the first day of ice break-up in Tallinn port a proxy for the mean winter air temperature (December to March); the first day of ice break-up on the rivers in northern Estonia a proxy for the beginning of spring; and the first day of the rye harvest a proxy for the mean air temperature in spring and summer (April to July). On the basis of these proxies the mean winter temperature could be extended back to the year AD 1500 and the spring and summer temperature back to 1731.  +
Eur 027.JulianDay +The temperature reconstruction is preferred from this site  +
LPD016ef221.temperature +These are the original, not quality controlled data. O2kLR recommends only using the Quality controlled data.Dataset contains NaN values and datapoints whose chronology is not QC'd  +
LPD027eca7f.Uk37 +These are the original, not quality controlled data. O2kLR recommends only using the Quality controlled data.  +
LPD09e5a770.temperature +These are the original, not quality controlled data. O2kLR recommends only using the Quality controlled data.Identical to LPDa03ec713  +
LPD0d8fd260.calcification7 +Individual coral growth records. Composites used in database instead (following approach of original publication)  +
LPD0e0867fe.temperature +HVM, BM, 20/4/2016 Mediterranean1572bNieto-Moreno2012__TTR17-1_436B  +
LPD1079b4bb.calcification4 +Individual coral growth records. Composites used in database instead (following approach of original publication)  +
LPD10e9f8f7.temperature +HVM, BM, 20/4/2016 Mediterranean1157abMoreno2012_MINMC-2_MINMC-1_alk(Muller) The higher-resolution alkenone record was selected. The authors also note that the G. bulloides Mg/Ca records spring upwelling SSTs whereas alkenones represent annual average SSTs. Alkenone data were measured in two cores (MINMC06-1 and MINMC06-2) from the same site. These two records were combined with the data sorted based on age.  +
LPD13a78f9b.temperature +HVM, BM, 20/4/2016 Atlantic0488Kuhnert2011__ GeoB9501-5_Mg/Ca(Anand) Combination of data from GeoB 9501–4 and GeoB 9501–5. Data combined based on age sort order.  +
LPD16c5b9d8.temperature +These are the original, not quality controlled data. O2kLR recommends only using the Quality controlled data.Dataset contains two records that have not been combined and whose chronology has not been QC'd  +
LPD17d4c9be.notes +These are the original, not quality controlled data. O2kLR recommends only using the Quality controlled data.  +
LPD1a0245b7.temperature +HVM, BM, 20/4/2016 Pacific0185Stott2007_MD98-2181 WDC-paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2007-092 Readme for Stott et al., (2007) notes calibration with Anand et al., (2003).  +
LPD1b77c35b.notes +These are the original, not quality controlled data. O2kLR recommends only using the Quality controlled data.  +
LPD21b789e2.calcification1 +Individual coral growth records. Composites used in database instead (following approach of original publication)  +