Property:GrantNumber (L)

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Property: GrantNumber (L) [1]

Imported from: core:grantNumber (core | Linked Earth Core)

Answers the question: What is the unique identifier associated with the Funding for the Dataset?

Property Semantics

  • Property has type Text
  • Can have multiple values ? true

Pages using the property "GrantNumber (L)"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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59104df0a462b.200800050084447 (MARM) +200800050084447 (MARM)  +
59104df0a46c5.Project RNM 05212 +Project RNM 05212  +
59104df0a473e.Research Group 0179 +Research Group 0179  +
59104df0a47da.FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement +FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement #226600  +
59104e491f7b4.EAR-0320898 +EAR-0320898  +
59104e491f896.OCE-0326313 +OCE-0326313  +
59104e491f975.OCE-0315234 +OCE-0315234  +
59104e491fa59.OCE0317941 +OCE0317941  +
AINSE Limited.ALNSTU11873 +ALNSTU11873  +
ANR CLIMICE.ANR-08-CEXC-012-01 +ANR-08-CEXC-012-01  +
ARC.DP140104093 +DP140104093  +
CSIC & The European Social Fund (ESF).JAE-Doc 093 +JAE-Doc 093  +
Comité Oceanográfico Nacional Chile.CPF 01-10 +CPF 01-10  +
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft postdoctoral fellowship.WE 2686/2-1 +WE 2686/2-1  +
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.Research Center Ocean Margins, University Bremen +Research Center Ocean Margins, University Bremen  +
ERC PACEMAKER project.226600 +226600  +
EU Grant HPRI-2001-00120.OCE0317611 +OCE0317611  +
EU.HOLSMEER (EVK2-CT-2000-00060) and PACLIVA (EVK2-CT2002-00143) +HOLSMEER (EVK2-CT-2000-00060) and PACLIVA (EVK2-CT2002-00143)  +
European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme.CTM2009-7715 +CTM2009-7715  +
European Union.Patterns of Climate Variability in the North Atlantic (PACLIVA) Project +Patterns of Climate Variability in the North Atlantic (PACLIVA) Project  +
Gary Comer Science and Education Foundation.CC8 and CP52 +CC8 and CP52  +
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.03G0672A +03G0672A  +
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.03G0672B +03G0672B  +
Institut Francais pour la Recherche et la Technologie Polaires for Calypso coring through European Union.HPRI-2001-00120 +HPRI-2001-00120  +
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology,.KAKENHI No. 14540458 +KAKENHI No. 14540458  +